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Autore Curtronics
Download versione 1.9.0

Testare Aurora

aurora -a 2 -k 364 -Y 3 /dev/ttyUSB0
aurora -a 2 -p -n -f -g -m -v -Y3 /dev/ttyUSB0




aurora [Opzioni] Device


-A, --last-alarms              Get last four alarms (once displayed FIFO queue is cleared)
-b, --verbose                  Verbose mode. For maximum effectiveness should be the first option
                                  on the command line
-C, --calc-value=<num[:$]>     Calculate monetary value using <num> * kWh. ":$" is optional and if
                                  included the character(s) represented by the "$" will be used to
                                  denote monetary type in the output. Defaults to "$"
-c, --columnize                Output data in columns --> for -d, -e, -D, -3, -E, -t, & -T options
                                  only will disable any other options -- if value ends with an
                                  "*" reporting of that item may not be in inverters firmware
-d <num>, --get-dsp=<num>      Get DSP data <num> indicates string to get data for. 0 indicates both
                                  1 for only string 1, 2 for only string 2. <num> is required for
                                  short option and <num> is optional for long option and if omitted
                                  for long option data for both input strings will be retrieved
-D, --get-dsp-extended         Get more DSP data
-3, --get-dsp-3phase           Get 3-Phase DSP data
-e, --get-energy               Get Cumulated Energy readings (Excluding Central)
-E <num>, --get-energy-central=<num>  Get Cumulated Float Energy readings (Central&TRIO only) <num> days
                                  1 to 366 Default 366 <num> is required for short option and optional
                                  for long option
-f, --firmware-ver             Query for Firmware Version string
-g, --mfg-date                 Query for Inverter Manufacturing Date
-h, --help                     This text
-i, --get-count=<bitmask>      Display Inverter Time Counters <bitmask> is required for short option
                                  is optional for long option and if omitted for long option then all
                                  counters will be displayed and Partial counter will be reset
                                  1 = "Total Run Time"    4 = "Grid Connection Time"
                                  2 = "Partial Run Time"  8 = "Reset Partial Run Time"
-j, --get-joules               Display Energy cumulated in the last 10 seconds
-K, --use-kmult=<num>          Adjust vaules reported by -k, --daily-kwh by "<num>" multiplier
-k <num>, --daily-kwh=<num>    Get past daily kWh for <num> days (1-366)
                                  <num> is required for short option and optional for long option
                                  and if omitted for long option then all 366 days or as many that
                                  are found will be displayed
-L <num>, --adjust-time=<num>  Automatically adjust the inverter time if it differs from the
                                  computer time. If <num> is 0 (zero) do a Daylight Savings Time
                                  check. If <num> is>= 1 change the inverter time if it differs
                                  by <num> or more seconds. See the README for more information
                                  and constraints
-l <num>, --read-wait=<num>    Timeout for the read to the serial port. <num> in 1/10ths seconds.
                                  Default is 1 (0.1 sec). See the README file for important
                                  information on this option
-M <num>, --max-runtime=<num>  Maximum amount of time in seconds that aurora will run trying to
                                  get data from the inverter
-m, --get-conf                 Query for Inverter System Configuration
-n, --serial-number            Query for Inverter Serial Number
-N <num>, --central=<num>      Indicates Aurora Central ** Experimental **
                                  0 indicates Master, 1 indicates Slave
-o, --output-file=<filename>   Append data to file (Created if nonexistant) Note: If -c option is
                                  used only -d, -e, -D, -3, -E, -t, & -T options will output to file
-O, --part-number-central      Query for Inverter Part Number (Central only)
-p, --part-number              Query for Inverter Part Number
-P <num>, --comm-pause=<num>   Wait <num> us between sending commands to inverter (1-1000000)
-Q, --use-qmult                Use inverter specific multiplier if known to adjust values reported
                                  by -q, --energy-sent
-q <num>, --energy-sent=<num>  Get past energy delivered to the grid ** Experimental **
                                  in 10 second intervals for <num> minutes (1-1440). <num> is
                                  optional for long option and if omitted all data, ~24 hours
                                  worth will be reported. It is suggested the -Y option be used
                                  with this due to the extensive length of time this could take.
                                  See the README file for important information on this option
-R <num>, --read-timeout=<num> Serial port read retry timeout value when reading a character from
                                  the Inverter (mS - minimum 200) See the README file for
                                  important information on this option
-r, --calc-grid-power          Calc Grid power using Grid Voltage * Grid Current, instead of
                                  reporting the Inverter's value. --> for -d option only,
                                  ignored when used with -c option (Inverter typically reports a
                                  lower value. This affects Inverter conversion efficiency value.)
-S, --set-time                 Set Inverter Date/Time to system time
-s, --get-state                Get Inverter State
-T, --get-loctime              Display computer Date/Time
-t, --get-invtime              Display Inverter Date/Time
-V, --version                  Aurora communications program version
-v, --inv-version              Query for Version string
-U <num>, --read-pause=<num>   Pause <num> milli-seconds after sending command to inverter before
                                  reading response from inverter (1-10000)
-u, --rpt-read-pause           Report when/that pausing before read
-W, --swap-endian              Swap Endianness
-w <num>, --lock-wait=<num>    Seconds to wait to lock serial port. (1-30)
-X, --rts-cts                  Enable RTS/CTS on the serial port.
-x, --xon-xoff                 Enable XON/XOFF on the serial port.
-Y <num>, --retries=<num>      Retry failed communications with inverter up to <num> times (1-100)
-y, --rpt-retries              Report the number of retires done

Parametri obbligatori

-a <num>, --address=<num>      Inverter address. 1-31 on older inverters, 1-63 on newer inverters.
Device                         Serial Device.
123solar.txt · Ultima modifica: 2023/09/02 09:40 da