====== Comandi per OpenEnergyMonitor ====== ===== Inviare un dato a EmonCMS ===== http://www.emon62.altervista.org/emoncms/input/post.json?node=20&csv=0,0,230&apikey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ===== Configurazione EmonHub ===== # SPECIMEN emonHub configuration file # Note that when installed from apt, a new config file is written # by the debian/postinst script, so changing this file will do # nothing in and of itself. # Each Interfacer and each Reporter has # - a [[name]]: a unique string # - a type: the name of the class it instantiates # - a set of init_settings (depends on the type) # - a set of runtimesettings (depends on the type) # Both init_settings and runtimesettings sections must be defined, # even if empty. Init settings are used at initialization, # and runtime settings are refreshed on a regular basis. # All lines beginning with a '#' are comments and can be safely removed. ####################################################################### ####################### emonHub settings ####################### ####################################################################### [hub] # loglevel must be one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL # see here : http://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html loglevel = WARNING ####################################################################### ####################### Reporters ####################### ####################################################################### [reporters] # This reporter sends data to emonCMS [[emonCMS]] Type = EmonHubEmoncmsReporter [[[init_settings]]] [[[runtimesettings]]] # url = http://emoncms.org # apikey = 6a07b7a3ce8de000fee769cbc829f09f url = http://emon62.altervista.org apikey = 6b3c81f5b732f6fe4c899a7e2ea32620 ####################################################################### ####################### Interfacers ####################### ####################################################################### [interfacers] # This interfacer manages the RFM2Pi module [[RFM2Pi]] Type = EmonHubJeeInterfacer [[[init_settings]]] com_port = /dev/ttyAMA0 [[[runtimesettings]]] group = 210 frequency = 433 baseid = 10 ####################################################################### ####################### Nodes ####################### ####################################################################### [nodes] # List of nodes by node ID # 'datacode' is default for node and 'datacodes' are per value data codes. # if both are present 'datacode' is ignored in favour of 'datacodes' [[99]] datacode = h datacodes = l, h, h, h,